Thursday, June 12, 2008

I have nothing to say...

...but I suspect in Dr. H's eyes, this would not be a good enough reason to not post something to my blog. So, here I am.

My daughter (pictured above, four years ago) (and yes, I am in denial) has been gone to her dad's house for 14 days. Read: I have not seen my daughter in 14 days. That's a loooooong time. And I won't see her for another 16 days. It's going to be a long summer.

That, right above? Is the reason why divorce sucks. Make no mistake, I do not regret divorcing my lying, cheating, self-absorbed ex-husband. I just miss my daughter. I guess I miss him too. But my aim is getting better...hee hee hee...okay, that was just a joke...


Kelli said...

We should take target practice together...

Melissa Markel said...

Sign me up baby...