Friday, June 6, 2008

For those wondering

Yes, my husband did wake up from the anesthesia. Nobody was more surprised than he was. I expect those who know us will be victimized by the entire story repeatedly in the near future.

Now that we have our new air conditioner, I am on a mission to make all the upgrades/repairs we have been putting off the six years we have owned this house. One of these repairs is replacing our fence. Does anybody have any idea how RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE fence is???

I've had two quotes: $3,545 and $3,250. As a result, my husband demands (and has been reduced to begging) he be allowed to replace the fence himself.

Uh, do you mean the same fence we've been saying needs to be replaced for six years? The same fence on which you replace pickets on an as-needed basis, which is determined solely by you? The same fence which I waited four years for you and Matt (yes, his real name) to finish installing the gate? The same fence you use as an excuse to keep your dirty, nasty dog inside my clean house because you're afraid it will fall down, and have been afraid for four years????


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